Humanitarian HR Conference

This week, Humanitalents will be at the Humanitarian HR Conference organized by CHS Alliance in Antwerp. The topic this year is about trust. Humanitalents will facilitate a session ” Code of Conduct: paper in the drawer or a living document to increase trust?” together with CHS Alliance and War Child Holland. Check the agenda here.
Sexuel harassment, exploitation and abuse, a collective wake up call – Humanitalents gives the floor to humanitarian workers

In December 2018, Humanitalents carried out a survey amongst French-speaking humanitarian aid workers. The aim of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the workers’ concerns about PSHEA. We shared the full report in June. It’s only available in French and you can dowload it here. We have now translated the booklet wich […]
World Humanitarian Day 2019

World Humanitarian Day has put women in the spotlight this year. You may be wondering why it is important to focus on women aid workers? There are at least two reasons: The presence of women makes it possible to reach populations and to be accepted in areas where it would not be possible without them. […]
#&@*$% I’m on my period!

Having your period while travelling can be a real pain. When you spend several months in the field, it is an issue that can take a lot of space in everyday life. Yet, we talk very little about it. Having your period can be complicated (an understatement), so some women simply choose not to have […]
The issue of gender in NGOs, an issue that concerns not only the programs

On this International Women’s Day, we feel it is important to talk about the issue of gender. A little over a year ago, the media revealed sex scandals involving employees of NGOs, raising the issue of sexual violence and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) in the sector, and questioning more generally the environment […]
Prostitution and Humanitarian Workers

Few years ago, I was on a mission in Africa. In the middle of the night I went in the kitchen of the guesthouse to take some cold water. I saw one of my expat colleague with a local women, I heard them say “goodbye” and he asked the NGO driver to drive her back […]
What if kindness was a key management skills for future managers?

Agile, manager agile, Manager 2.0, Manager 3.0… What if kindness was a management skills for future managers? I can already hear spoilers say “we are not in Wonderland, this is really life, we need people managing, supervising, deciding, controling, validating… otherwise it’s anarchy!” But I have a question for you: when and why did we decide […]

Oxfam recent scandal shocks the public opinion and it is completely legitimate but let’s take a step back! Amongst the humanitarian community, how many of us have witnessed or heard rumors of a colleague bringing prostitutes to the organizations’Organization’s guesthouse? How many of us have witnessed or heard rumors about sexual abuse or sexual harassment? […]
Security Incident Information Management training for HR staff

Dear HR colleagues, Security-related incidents put the lives of aid workers and aid recipients at risk in addition to disrupting the flow of assistance to disaster-affected populations. The information we receive when dealing with all types of incidents is critical for supporting a timely and effective response, as well as for learning and preventing similar […]