and case studies

The very successful contribution of a consultant as part of “HR job sharing”


To support its strong growth, one of the strategic priorities identified by the Hulo cooperative for 2024 was human resources management.

Recruitment was a major focus with ten new positions to fill, including Human Resources Manager.

Hulo already had a few HR tools but needed support to draft and roll out the policies and processes that ensure proper human resources management.

Everyday personnel management was increasing in scale and the Support Activities Coordinator was struggling to cope with the workload.


Hulo was assisted for several months by a HR consultant specialised in the humanitarian sector working several days a week, meaning that the HR tasks were completed while maintaining a degree of flexibility.

HR job sharing provided ongoing operational HR support with the consultant becoming part of the team and adapting to Hulo’s changing priorities.

By taking over part of the operational tasks, the consultant could offer more services, such as managing several recruitments, defining various job profiles and managing the early termination of an employment contract.


“Our entire management team was delighted with the contribution and assistance provided by the consultant found in record time by Humanitalents! This person’s profile was a perfect match with our needs and expectations, in terms of technical and professional skills, personality and attitude. The various tasks entrusted to her were completed professionally and conscientiously. She was able to be flexible while getting the job done on time! We would not have been able to move forward with that many HR issues and tasks without the invaluable assistance provided by this consultant. We would definitely work with Humanitalents again in the future.”

Stéphanie Rouelle
Support Activities Coordinator

Humanitalents supports the HR department manager
in the evolution of his professional posture


The head of the HR department in Burkina Faso had taken up his post a few months earlier following an internal promotion. Without prior experience in a position as head of department, he found it difficult to free himself from the daily administrative aspects of the position to move towards more macro aspects and position himself vis-à-vis other department heads as a true strategic partner.


After a diagnosis based on an evaluation and observation times on the mission, we set up a 6-month support with tailor-made training sessions, exercises, practical cases and mentoring sessions every 15 days. Our HR expertise combined with support techniques has made it possible to strengthen his HR technical skills and his posture.


“We had six months of mentoring with Humanitalents, and in that time I progressed in many aspects. I was namely able to develop my self-esteem, which meant I could position myself as a credible partner with an analytical mind, always linking back to the organisation’s overall strategy. The technique used within this mentoring programme was fully-adapted to my needs. Thanks to Estelle’s vast experience in various HR fields, our discussions helped me gain an overall vision of the situations I was faced with, and thus adopt the right attitude every time.” 

Lazare Baguel

HR Division Manager,
Action Contre la Faim

A tailor-made workshop on turnover
for managers of partner associations


The partner associations shared this observation: it is not easy to retain staff. Faced with a turnover that disrupts activities, complicates personnel management, creates significant losses of information, association managers were helpless.


Based on the principle of co-construction, we designed and led a one-week tailor-made workshop. Our benevolent and playful facilitation methods have given a very large share to everyone’s participation and collective intelligence. Each participant left with a concrete action plan to implement in their organization in order to reduce turnover and retain staff.


“Huge thanks to Estelle, who coordinated this workshop in a spirit of partnership, which we greatly appreciated here at Sidaction: we exchanged on our experiences, and were able to implement collective thinking and knowledge co-construction…this was all backed by precise technical expertise, conducive to concrete solutions which met everyone’s needs.”

Anne Susset

International Project Coordinator, Sidaction

Hard-to-find talents


The French Red Cross was looking for both:

  • a regional financial manager to support its new regional strategy in Dakar, a new position halfway between headquarters and the field for a pilot phase.
  • a head of delegation for his mission in Congo Brazzaville, a position in a complex context requiring a senior profile.


Thanks to an in-depth needs analysis, we were able to define the composite portrait of the ideal candidate. Then, thanks to a search strategy and effective direct approach techniques, we identified the corresponding profiles. Finally, thanks to interview methods, we proposed a shortlist of 3 validated candidates for each position. We now work in partnership over the long term.


“We called upon Humanitalents for two key recruitments within our organisation – as our initial search had not been successful. Both times, Humanitalents managed to find the perfect candidate for the job. Our experience with Humanitalents was based on real collaboration and teamwork!”

Keiko Cornale

International Human Resources Department Coordinator

French Red Cross

Headquarters positions with high stakes


Alima had three vacancies at its headquarters in Dakar:

  • a job creation as part of a reorganization (deputy director of operations in charge of logistics)
  • 2 HR referent positions which had already been the subject of an unsuccessful recruitment process.


Thanks to the effectiveness of our direct approach technique and by taking into account the specificities of the NGO in terms of values and mode of operation, we presented several candidates who met the criteria in record time.


“We called upon the support and expertise of Humanitalents for recruiting our 3 key positions within our ALIMA head office: namely the HR desk referent and the assistant operational director in charge of logistics. Estelle was highly professional, flexible and tenacious when it came to meeting our requirements and helping us identify the best candidates for these jobs, which are now held by skilled and motivated professionals. Thank you, to her and the entire Humanitalents team.”  

Benoît Loop

Human Resources Director, Alima

An HR team to be reorganized and key recruitments


Alima had three vacancies at its headquarters in Dakar:

La Chaîne de l’Espoir faced several HR challenges at the same time:

  • the reorganization of its HR department with the departure of the former HR manager and the former HR manager
  • key recruitments for its head office (management controller and program coordinator) in the absence of an HR department
  • two HR referent positions which had already been the subject of an unsuccessful recruitment process.


An analysis of the HR organization based on existing job descriptions and priority HR projects led to the creation of a new HR team with an HRD position and an HR officer position. Both positions were quickly filled. We have particularly taken into account the personalities and skills of each candidate in order to form a real team. At the same time, a Management Controller and a Program Coordinator were recruited.


“Humanitalents provides responsive support and listens to all our needs, and is extremely knowledgeable in terms of international solidarity. Our exchanges were always transparent, every step of the recruitment process was crystal-clear, and their services enabled us to find high-quality applicants for all kinds of positions.” 

Anouchka Finker

Managing Director, La Chaîne de l’Espoir

A new Director of Operations in less than three months


FIDH was looking for its new Director of Operations, a complex position with a large team to manage and significant operational challenges. An advertisement had been published and a recruitment process had been launched without success.


We filled this key position for the organization in less than three months! Thanks to an important work of analysis of needs beforehand and to our technique of direct approach, we were able to present quality candidates.


“The IHRD recruited its Director of Operations thanks to Humanitalents. We called upon them for their direct approach, as our own job ads had not yet been successful. The consultant assigned to our case was experienced in the field of HR, and conducted her tasks professionally and regularly communicated on her progress, which was greatly appreciated. I definitely won’t hesitate to entrust her with similar tasks in the future, as this one was a real success.”  

Mathieu Picard

Human Resources Director,
International Human Rights Federation

Tailor-made Time and Priority Management training


The training in time and priority management available to Médecins du Monde employees had a too “classic” approach with trainers who were unfamiliar with the international solidarity sector. The satisfaction of the participants was not there.


After analyzing the specific needs of Médecins du Monde employees, we designed tailor-made training in Time Management and Priorities. Thanks, on the one hand, to our animation methods based on benevolence and the sharing of experience, and on the other hand, to practical exercises and examples from our missions in the field, we have obtained a satisfaction of more than 90%. From now on, we lead an average of 5 sessions per year, in French and in English, for staff at headquarters and in the field, in France and abroad.


“The time management training course provided by Humanitalents encourages participants to truly think about their relation to work and underlying beliefs, offering practical and concrete tools for all. The course was participative and flexible (the facilitator truly adapts to each participant’s needs); she was immensely caring in her approach. Everyone felt encouraged to implement new habits, gradually, without any pressure and based on their own capacities – with a view to constantly learning something new. I now use some of the tools she offered on a daily basis.” 

Camille Lemouchoux

Médecins du Monde